At the beginning of time, two divine entities ruled over the universe peacefully and harmoniously. But one day the seeds of conflict rained from the sky and the entity known as The Dark, tried to take all the power for himself. The Light and The Dark battle fiercely but The Light couldn t defeat The…
XCOM: Enemy Within is an expansion pack for XCOM: Enemy Unknown, a turn-based tactical strategy game. The expansion adds the ability to gene mod soldiers to add to their powers as well as the ability to create MECs, powerful robotic soldiers. These new features are created by collecting a resource called Meld on the tactical battlefield. A…
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is a spin-off game of the Ninja Gaiden series. The player takes the role of the ninja Yaiba who was killed by Ryu Hayabusa, the usual protagonist of the series. Now he is resurrected by a corporation with the goal to learn more about a zombie epidemic which has something to do with Hayabusa….
In 1985 18 men were shot dead in a ramen shop. This event marked a turning point for the Ueno Seiwa clan, but the truth behind the incident has remained hidden. In 2010 four men, a chivalrous money-lender, a condemned man sitting on death row, a crooked cop, and the Dragon of Dojima, are drawn…
One Will Rise. One Will Fall. One Will Die. Experience Young Justice like never before. The creative forces behind the smash hit TV series have joined forces with Little Orbit to bring the ultimate in fan service – an interactive bridge for Seasons 1 & 2. Find out what happened during the missing years and…